Global Partner. Integrated Solutions.

Optimizing Tax Management

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Get future ready now. To deal with the increasingly digitized world economies, the governments, global regulators, and other stakeholders are rapidly catching up with evolving technologies, transactional and other business models, and may even be ahead of commercial organizations in embracing them. Nexdigm is well equipped to guide the digital transformation of your firm's tax function.

FATCA and Common Reporting Standard

The United States of America (USA) enacted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2010 for the reporting of assets held by US taxpayers in offshore accounts and through non-US entities. In line with this, the US entered into bilateral agreements with governments of several countries for the exchange of information.

Following FATCA, Common Reporting Standard (CRS) was enacted by various countries including the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Pursuant to the implementation of CRS, financial institutions are required to comply with reporting requirements on an annual basis.

Nexdigm provides an extensive range of services with respect to FATCA/CRS compliances which includes analyzing and evaluating whether an entity is a financial institution and handling the due compliances under the FATCA and CRS regulations.

Our Services

  • Entity classification
    Classification of the entity under the regulation and evaluating whether it is subject to any compliance requirement under FATCA/CRS.
  • On-boarding the account holders
    Drafting self-certification for the account holders to correctly provide their information for the purposes of reporting.
  • Registration
    Provide support with respect to registration on IRS and local portals.
  • Principal Point of Contact [PPOC]
    Provide assistance to financial institutions by acting as a PPOC for the purpose of coordinating with FATCA/CRS authorities.
  • Due Diligence procedures
    Setting up Due Diligence procedures for effective implementation of the regulations.
  • Reporting assistance
    Providing support in undertaking the reporting compliance with the regulatory authorities.

Our Credentials

  • Conducted analyses to determine the classification of the entity and identified relevant implications arising from them. We suggested a way forward based on applicable FATCA/CRS regulations for several UAE entities (including entities in the DIFC and ADGM region)
  • Assistance in filing the FATCA/CRS returns for entities of Cayman Islands
  • Complete Due Diligence and assistance in undertaking reporting under FATCA/CRS regulations for Indian entities

Case Studies

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