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Technology Advisory

Technology is a key enabler of transformation and will exponentially drive the growth of companies. However, with each company comes unique technological requirements. Nexdigm helps businesses understand technology best-practices, choose the most appropriate technology enabler and traverse the interconnected world with confidence.

Cloud Migration

Cloud adoption has become a necessity for organizations due to its scalability and agility to maintain competitive readiness to new market conditions and quickly align resources with needs. Cloud provides the scalability to optimize resource utilization. Nexdigm helps you achieve this as your cloud migration partner.

  • Inventorize all applications and perform readiness assessments.
  • Analyze ready to migrate cloud applications, their current consumption, and estimated usage on the cloud.
  • Optimize cost with minimal usage of resources and reduce capital investments.
  • Prioritize security along with migration and mitigate risks at the initial stage to avoid disruptions.
  • Consider compliance requirements during migration readiness.
  • Planned migrations of all the data and apps.
  • Develop strategies for live migration, backup, and recovery solutions with performance management.

We at Nexdigm accurately assess you requirement based on your business and advise what will rightly work for you (public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud).

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